Thursday, July 28, 2016

Where v.2.0 -- Test

Where v.2.0 -- Test

This is a test to go with the Where v.2.0 lesson worksheet, which is available here:

I don't think this one needs a lot of explaining.  I did just copy and past the questions from either the Where v.2.0 or an earlier version of that worksheet.  Of course, you can download the document version and make minor changes to the questions if you'd like.

I provide the class schedule and places around town charts from the original worksheet.  However, in later classes, I don't put the schedule on the board.  (It takes too much time, and I only have precious minutes with my students.)  I tell the students that I don't care how they choose an answer.  They can answer based on the chart, which is on their worksheet, or based on their real class schedule, or they can just make up an answer.  

The destination is what will really change when they try to speak the language in the real world, so I don't worry about it too much on the test.

Sometimes students will joke around with me.  I ask them where they are going in 4th period, and they tell me that they are going to go to the bar and drink beer!  (Since I know that they are just joking with me, I praise them for their creativity, or I joke back with them.)  

Oh, and here's something that has been worth it's weight in gold when I grade exams: answer sheets!  It eliminates so much page flipping!  It really speeds the process up.

Hope this helps you as a teacher!  Good luck!

P.S. (If you recognize the ambiguity of "you" in a question, you'll see that several multiple choice answers have multiple correct answers.  I didn't notice when I first made the test, but, during grading, this was great!  It allowed me to give more points to students, and I had several students who passed because of this!  (Yes, you may question the validity of this test because of that, but I work in a "no-fail" system where the teacher is blamed for poor student performance.  Where I'm at, this is great.))

PDF Version.  Download this if you like the test just the way it is.

Document Version.  Download this one if you want to make changes to the test.  Made with LibreOffice* Writer and saved in .odt format.

*If you'd like a FREE, POWERFUL, and LEGAL office suite program, you can download LibreOffice for free here:

.docx Version.  This is the original version.  My laptop with MS Office died, so I switched to LO.  I don't know how good this copy is.

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