Animal Parts Coloring Sheet
This is designed for young learners to get vocabulary visually. (The black squares are not present in either of the downloadable versions.)
All images are black & white.
- better photocopying
- kids can color in the images as part of the learning process
- for shy kids, coloring allows them to participate but not have to make constant eye contact.
- Build vocabulary
- Practice "to have" questions. (Which animal has feathers? Does a fish have scales or fur?)
I hope this handout helps!
PDF version. (Will not have formatting problems with the pictures.)
ODT Version. An editable document, in case you want to make changes. Sometimes the pictures are moved around a little bit in document formats.
Saved in .odt format from LibreOffice*. It should open in MS Word with no problems.
*If you like LibreOffice, or want a free office suite program, you can download it here:
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